
Kjedelige tall og fakta: Samsung vs Apple


Jeg gir deg alle kjedelige fakta så får du gjør deg opp din egen mening. I denne artikkelen bruker jeg kilder fra produsentene selv eller store kjente nyhetssider.
Apple historie:
Samsung historie:
Samsung og Apple satser på begge på åpen kilde kode:
Dermed kan flere utvikle plattformen videre.
Apple har utviklere for IOS.
Samsung har utviklere for:
Så å sammenligne antall utviklere her blir feil. Det er ikke tatt med lengere ned i saken på tall.
Begge har Passbook:
Begge satser på utdannelse:
Begge har masse patenter:
Samsung har hatt fra 2006 over 2000 nye patenter i året og har nå ca. 5000 i året. Samsung har også i 2012 laget flere patenter enn IBM og de har vært ledene på patenter i årevis.
Apple er registrert som nr 31 på patenter altså langt bak Samsung som er på topp.
Så de saksøker for alt mulig, men har få patenter.
Begge selskap har egne butikker:
Samsung har flere blogger der de oppdaterer folk. Det har ikke Apple.
Samsung har også sitt eget opplevelsessenter i Seol Koea.
Der får de se de siste hotte fra Samsung.
Samsung har også sitt eget innovasjons forum.
Og en eget byområde i korea som de eier og kaller Samsung Digital City.
Begge bruker store summer på advokater og søksmål mot hverandre:
Status Forbes global 500 2013:
Samsung 14 plass.
Apple 19 plass.s
Forbes sier også at Samsung er verdens største it/data/tekniske firma.
Apple har vært på topp på den listen, men har falt ned mange plasser siden det.
Hvem har minst feil på produktene sine?
Samsung nr 1.
Apple nr 6.
Her går det store summer og det ganger ikke forbrukerne.
Hva produserer selskapene?




Samsung er representert i alle bransjer over hele verden.


Apple er ett programvareselskap.
Hvor mange ansatte har de?


252.988. De økte med 31.262 ansatte i 2012. Dette gjelder da for Samsung Electronics. Som er 1 av underselskapene til Samsung.
Totalt har de 270.000 ansatte.
Kilde: Apple
Hvor mange land er de representert i?
Samsung: 67
Kilde: Samsung
Apple: 88
Kilde: Apple

Hvor mye bruker de på forskning og utvikling? Det kalles R&D: Research and development.



De samarbeider med 150 universiteter over hele verden.
De har også over 50.000 ansatte som driver med forskning og de har 42 forskningssenter over hele verden. 
De har også 5 nye senter til 900 millioner stykket på gang.
De skal også lage forskningsenter i Silicon Walley.
Center Name R&D Areas
Samsung Information Systems America, Inc. (SISA) Strategic parts and components, core technologies
Dallas Telecom Laboratory (DTL) Technologies and products for next-generation telecommunications systems
Samsung Electronics Research Institute (SERI) Mobile phones and digital TV software
Moscow Samsung Research Center (SRC) Optics, software algorithms and other new technologies
Samsung Electronics India Software Operations (SISO) System software for digital products, protocols for wired/wireless networks and handsets
Samsung Telecom Research Israel (STRI) Hebrew software for mobile phones
Beijing Samsung Telecommunication (BST) Mobile telecommunications standardization and commercialization for China
Samsung Semiconductor China R&D (SSCR) Semiconductor packages and solutions
Samsung Electronics (China)R&D Center (SCRC) Software, digital TVs and MP3 players for China
Samsung Yokohama Research Institute Core next-generation parts and components, digital technologies
Samsung Poland R&D Center (SPRC) STB SW Platform Dev., EU STB/DTV commercialization
Samsung India Software Center (SISC) S/W Platform and Application Design, Graphic design
De bruker 4 Billioner på forskning i år.
De har 200 forskere i tel aviv.
De har også forskningsenter i shanghai.
Og Pudong.


Apple øker også forskning med 500 millioner i 2013.


Hvor mange fabrikker selskapene?




Headquartered in Ridgefield Park, NJ, Samsung Electronics America (SEA) is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Samsung Electronics Co. Ltd.—an established leader in the global electronics market. SEA is comprised of our Consumer Business Division (CBD) and the Enterprise Business Division (EBD). Samsung Electronics shares a location with our North American headquarters, which oversees Samsung Telecommunications America; Samsung Semiconductor Inc.; Samsung Information Systems America; and Samsung Austin Semiconductor.

Consumer Business Division (CBD)

Samsung CBD offers a full range of award-winning digital products for the home and personal use—everything from LEDs and plasma TVs, to home theater systems and camcorders. CBD also houses Samsung’s Home Appliance group, which sells refrigerators, washers and dryers, ranges, dishwashers, microwave ovens and vacuums. 

Enterprise Business Division (EBD)

Our Enterprise Business Division offers a compete line of color and mono-laser printing solutions, desktop monitors, laptop computers, digital signage solutions and projectors.

Samsung Telecommunications America (STA)

Headquartered in Dallas, Texas, STA was founded by Samsung Electronics Corporation in 1996.


Samsung Telecommunications researches, develops and markets a variety of personal and business communications products throughout North America, including handheld wireless phones, wireless communications infrastructure systems, fiber optics and enterprise communication systems.

Samsung Semiconductor, Inc. (SSI)

SSI, headquartered in San Jose, California, is a wholly-owned U.S. subsidiary of Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd.—the second largest semiconductor manufacturer in the world and the industry’s volume and technology leader in DRAM, NAND Flash, SRAM memory and TFT-LCD panels.


Samsung Semiconductor is comprised of five business units—Memory, TFT-LCD, Storage, Foundry and System LSI—and provides advanced solutions for the mobile, desktop computing, consumer electronics and industrial markets communication systems.

Samsung Information Systems America (SISA)

SISA, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd., is located in Silicon Valley with offices in Southern California.


SISA researches “frontier” technologies—the development of hard disk drives, digital TV technologies, printer software, wireless connectivity and high level software——for creating new businesses, as well as developing core technologies to enhance existing Samsung products. 

Samsung Austin Semiconductor (SAS)

Located in Austin, Texas, SAS is the company’s only semiconductor manufacturing plant outside Korea. Since 1997, SAS has been one of the most advanced semiconductor plants in the United States, producing state-of-the-art NAND Flash memory and Mobile SoC chips for businesses around the world.


Samsung kjøper også skjermer fra Corningglass.

De har også mange fabrikker innen forskning og design.



De eier flere store datasenter rundt om i verden.
Maiden, North Carolina, Data Center 
To meet the energy needs of the Maiden data center with a renewable energy mix, 
we embarked on an industry-leading program combining energy efficiency with 
Apple-owned renewable energy projects and grid-purchased renewable energy.
Newark, California, Data Center 
Early in 2012, we were granted regulatory approval to procure renewable energy directly 
from the wholesale market for our Newark, California, data center through California’s 
Direct Access program. Beginning in January 2013, we have been serving the data center 
with 100 percent clean, renewable energy, sourced mostly from California wind.
Prineville, Oregon, Data Center
Our newest data center, currently under construction in Prineville, Oregon, will be every 
bit as environmentally responsible as our Maiden data center. At Prineville, we have 
access to enough local renewable energy sources to completely meet the needs of the 
facility. To achieve this goal, we’re working with two local utilities as well as a number of 
renewable energy generation providers to develop and purchase power from local 
wind, solar, and micro-hydro resources. The micro-hydro projects will generate power 
from water flowing through irrigation canals, which are already part of the agricultural 
framework of Oregon.
Oregon allows the direct wholesale purchase of renewable energy through Direct 
Access, and Apple is using this program to opt out of the default grid mix and access 
local renewable energy sources directly.
Reno, Nevada, Data Center
Our next data center, to be located in Reno, Nevada, will also be every bit as 
environmentally responsible as our Maiden data center. We will be making use 
of the excellent natural solar radiation and geothermal resources in Nevada to 
completely meet the energy needs of our data center.
Other Apple Facilities Worldwide 
For nearly 10 years, we’ve purchased 100 percent renewable energy for our operations 
center in Austin, Texas. Since then, we’ve added our operations centers in Elk Grove, 
California, and Cork, Ireland, as well as our facility in Munich, Germany. In 2012, we added 
most facilities across Australia to our list of sites procuring 100 percent renewable energy.3
Energy purchased for these sites comes from local or regional renewable energy projects.


Apple bruker også mange andre leverandører til delene til produktene sine, men her eier de ikke fabrikkene selv.

Supplier Products Location Address
Cork, Republic of Ireland Hollyhill Industrial Estate, Hollyhill, Cork
Cheng Uei Precision Industry Co., Ltd (Foxlink)
Dongguan, Guangdong, China Junda Industry District, Dongkeng Town
Hon Hai Precision Industry Co., Ltd. (Foxconn)
Jundiaí, São Paulo, Brazil Building A and D, Avenida Caminho de Goias, 100, Bairro dos Fernandes
Hon Hai Precision Industry Co., Ltd. (Foxconn)
Shenzhen, Guangdong, China Foxconn Guan Lan Technology Parkway Da Shui Keng Village, Guan Lan Town, Bao’an
Hon Hai Precision Industry Co., Ltd. (Foxconn)
Zhengzhou, Henan, China General Bonded Zone, East ZhenXing Road, ZhengZhou Airport
Hon Hai Precision Industry Co., Ltd. (Foxconn)
Shenzhen, Guangdong, China No. 2, 2nd DongHuan Road, 10th Yousong Industrial District, Longhua Sub-district, Bao’an
Hon Hai Precision Industry Co., Ltd. (Foxconn)
Shanghai, China No. 1925, Nanle Road, Songjiang Export Processing Zone
Hon Hai Precision Industry Co., Ltd. (Foxconn)
Chengdu, Sichuan, China Area A: Building A08, No. 8 Kexin Road, Cheng-Du Hi-Tech Zone
Hon Hai Precision Industry Co., Ltd. (Foxconn)
Taiyuan, Shanxi, China No. 1 Longfei Street, Economy-Technology Development Zone
Inventec Appliances Corporation
Shanghai, China No. 789, Pu Xing Road
PCH International
Shenzhen, Guangdong, China 3F, Zhong Tian Yuan Logistics Centre, Tao Hua Road, Futian Free Trade Zone
Pegatron Corporation
Suzhou, Jiangsu, China No. 233 Jinfeng Road
Pegatron Corporation
Shanghai, China No. 3768 Xiu Yan Rd, Kang Qiao Town, Pudong New District
Primax Electronics Ltd.
Dongguan, Guangdong, China Er Village, Liuwu District, Shek kit Town
Quanta Computer Inc.
Fremont, California, USA 44350 Nobel Drive
Quanta Computer Inc.
Shanghai, China No. 68 Sanzhuang Road, Songjiang Export Processing Zone
Quanta Computer Inc.
Changshu, Jiangsu, China No. 8 JinZhou Road, Hightech Industrial park, ChangShu Economic Development Zone


De har også oppført enda flere leverandører på denne listen:

Så den store forskjellen her er at Apple må låne fabrikker av andre, men de eier forskningsentere. mens Samsung eier mange fabrikker og forskningssentere. Så Apple er avhengig av mange leverandører.


Her har vi Apple iPhone sin lansering. Mange mener den er historisk i ettertid også har vi presentasjon av Samsung Galaxy S. Galaxy serien er blitt hovedrivalen til Apple nå for tiden.





Kjapp konklusjon ut av dette. 
Samsung lager alt mulig og har fabrikker over hele verden.
Apple har datasenter over hele verden, men leier frabrikker, bortsett fra 1 fabrikk i texas.
Apple lager sin egen programvare.
Samsung bruker Google sin programvare på sine mobiler og nettbrett.
Begge har nok med penger til å uvikle seg videre.
De vil nok slåss om mobiltronen i mange år framover.

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